"Inside Out"
Title: Inside Out
Director: Pete Docter, Ronaldo del Carmen
Writer: Pete Docter, Ronaldo del Carmen, Meg LeFauve, Josh Cooley, Amy Poehler and Bill Hader (additional dialogues)
Category: Animation, Adventure, Comedy
Duration: 94 min

The first time I watched the trailer for Inside Out I was over the moon and laughing so much that my excitement for it grow exponentially and I couldn't wait to see it. Luckily, my expectations were all met and I was both entertained and moved by this new creation from Pixar.
To review this movie this time I have to write a little bit about the story itself, but I will try to keep it spoiler free as much as possible.
Inside Out can be considered as a clever and fun animated motion picture to teach children the mechanism behind our actions and how the event of everyone's life and every decision one makes are influenced by emotions. However, to the eyes of an adult, this movie is more than that.
Throughout the film the audience live through Riley's life by looking inside her brain in which Joy (Amy Poehler) holds the rain of everything, making sure that Riley only has happy memories, even during a life altering event in her life such has her family moving to San Francisco.
The fact that Joy is in charge leaves the other emotions, Disgust (Mindy Kaling), Fear (Bill Hader) and Rage (Lewis Black) to stay in the background and come to rescue and protect Riley only when it's necessary. The only emotion that is left out and isolated is Sadness (Phyllis Smith) because nobody wants her to cause any problem and turn happy memories into sad ones. However, it is precisely her that, unknowingly, will put in motion the worst thing that could happen inside Riley's mind. In fact, after creating a particularly sad core memory, and fighting with Joy because she doesn't want that memory to create another personality island both Joy, Sadness along with Riley's most important core memories will end up being trapped in long term memory and they will have to travel back to the headquarters.
In my opinion, this story is special because behind the funny lines delivered beautifully by each famous voice behind Riley's emotions or the brilliant ways in which they represent the brain's mechanisms, lies a great message: Every memory is important because these specific life experiences are the ones that that make up our personality. However, the film also focus on the fact that yes, in life it is important to feel joy and be positive but sometimes every one of us needs sadness and, when we do have these blue moments, we have to express and feel all the emotions that come along with them, because a good cry never killed anyone and maybe it was helpful to create a strong bond or to put everything under a new different perspective.
All in all, even though Inside out doesn't reach the emotional level of Up, it is a really nice family movie made for both kids and parents because it can give you an example on how it is inside everyone's brain.
Till next time,
Here the trailer:
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