Title: Spy
Director: Paul Feig
Category: Comedy, Action
I had the oppo rtunity to watch a preview of Spy thanks to Show Film First. I went there without watching a single trailer and knowing only the main actors and I was pleasantly surprised by this movie, so much so that it can be considered as one of the few times that I laugh so much throughout the entire duration of the film.
The plot is just like any classic spy movie: Agents going on a mission to neutralise a bomb that is going to be sold to the next terrorist. However, the protagonist is not the usual good looking James Bond type - although Jude Law plays the part really well. Instead of him, Spy gives to the audience the awkward and insecure tech agent working behind the scene as the voice guiding the top agents in order to help them complete their missions. Paul Feig, writer and director, gave to the audience a different comedy, recreating once again another successful work like he did with Bridesmaids.
Susan Cooper is played brilliantly by Melissa McCarthy. She carries the movie on her shoulder and she has the honor to deliver the best lines and outrageous (in a good way) jokes.
The other comedy flame was held by British comedian Miranda Hart, who showed once again how awkward women can be heroes and save the day using weapons and irony combined while doing it better than any other alpha male.
What made Spy different from any kind of espionage movies is the fact that it contains the perfect balance of action and comedy. In fact, it can be considered as a hilarious parody of this genre. Rose Byrne and Melissa McCarthy already showed their good comic timing in Bridesmaids and pairing them up again was a great choice as their scenes were the most dynamic and funny.
Also, what made the movie truly entertaining and helped maintain a fast pace was the really strong action comedy combination.
The only small negative note for me was Jason Statham's character . I do not know if it was intentionally done, but I found his character a little bit too stiff. His lines were repetitive, the accents was not believable and it sounded strange. It could be possible that it was the way in which his character was written - a pompous man trying to show off and demonstrate that he is the best - but unfortunately it made him look unnatural and forces. However, many of the best comical moments were the ones in which Melissa McCarthy made a joke about his actions and they made his character a bit more likable.
All in all Spy is a hilarious action comedy packed with the right amount of entertainment and explosion. It is precisely that kind of movie to watch if one is having a taught day and needs a moment to laugh until their muscles hurt.
The release date for Spy are :
5 June UK and USA
4 June Italy and Germany
15 June France
Till next time,
Here the Trailer:
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